Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sharon Elizabeth Adamski XOxoXO

            It is 4:20 am Sept 22 2011, I am wide awake as usual and just sitting here. Thought I would make a blog and realized i already started one a long time ago so I will just go with it. My first instinct is to talk about my Mommy. She went to be with Jesus July 27th of this year. The worst day of my life. Needless to say I miss her more then this blog could ever describe. I could beat myself up for things I wish I could change, but the fact of the matter is that, I cannot change them, there is nothing I can do about them. So I have decided to try to just not think. Things try to pop up in my head a million times a day, but I tune it out somehow .. I sure hope I am not just prolonging the inevitable, which I feel , I very well may be doing that. Well I guess I will end with that, you never know I might remember i posted this and come back and give an update and talk a bit more about my beautiful Mother,  Sharon Elizabeth Adamski ..