Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lifted Poem

Drowning in the sands of  our sorrow
we patiently wait for a better tomorrow.
As we try desperately to dig our way out
the weight is too strong, we can't even shout
Trying to survive, our hands we hold high
longing to feel air, a touch from the sky.
A flash of our lives, graces our sight
reminding us why, we can't give up our fight.
As we start to feel the pressure subside
our heart and emotions suddenly collide
the sand that held us is starting to strain
We wonder how long, the pain will remain
Raising up from the ground, we start to feel free
all the dirt falls off, reveling me
I begin to know, that i have been washed clean
and my life as i know it, has yet to be seen.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Just One Call (poem)

Just One Call

If heaven would allow just one call to someone we hold dear
I would call my Mom and cry out loud " I wish that you were here!!
I miss the way you would make me laugh, as you did your silly dance
and the way you would scold my crazy talk, with just a  solid glance"

If just one call was all we had, there would be so much i would say
"I can not wait to walk heaven's streets beside you everyday.
Does Jesus give you a hug from me? I pray that every night,
I want Him to wrap His arms around you, and hold you oh so tight!!"

If our call would last a while, there are things i want to know,
"when I see .. a butterfly, does God let my smile show?
Can you feel the love I have when I see you in my dreams?
Does He let you hold me .. secretly .. when my pain turns to screams?"

Just one call, is not enough, I would never want to  leave
but to hear your voice is all I ask to help me while i grieve.
God's plan is so much more then I can understand
but every moment of my life, we'll be walking hand in hand.

 ~Love: Your Rosebud~