Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Just One Call (poem)

Just One Call

If heaven would allow just one call to someone we hold dear
I would call my Mom and cry out loud " I wish that you were here!!
I miss the way you would make me laugh, as you did your silly dance
and the way you would scold my crazy talk, with just a  solid glance"

If just one call was all we had, there would be so much i would say
"I can not wait to walk heaven's streets beside you everyday.
Does Jesus give you a hug from me? I pray that every night,
I want Him to wrap His arms around you, and hold you oh so tight!!"

If our call would last a while, there are things i want to know,
"when I see .. a butterfly, does God let my smile show?
Can you feel the love I have when I see you in my dreams?
Does He let you hold me .. secretly .. when my pain turns to screams?"

Just one call, is not enough, I would never want to  leave
but to hear your voice is all I ask to help me while i grieve.
God's plan is so much more then I can understand
but every moment of my life, we'll be walking hand in hand.

 ~Love: Your Rosebud~

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