Thursday, April 26, 2012



Another diary day i guess. I really do not have much in mind to say but am not falling asleep like i would like to be so off i go to speak about who knows what ..

Tonight we went to my uncle's house to visit with some of Dad's cousins who he has not seen for many years, it was the fist time i met them, so that was very nice to meet them. My family is such wonderful cooks so the food was obviously delicious!! Always a joy to break a diet for any of their cooking lol.  

Jamie is now sound asleep and snoring comfortably beside me .. i usually roll him on his side and he stops but my little Mousie cat is laying on top of him and looks so peaceful, so i think i will leave them both be for now lol .. wow when i wrote that he got a lot louder haha .. oh my .

I am now reading Proverbs ... which if i do say so myself is pretty darn cool!! I am very excited that I have stuck to it and am over half way done reading the whole Bible!! Page 557 out of 1098 :o) I really enjoy reading Proverbs it is giving me a great footing on what to actually pray for .. sometimes i wonder if i am really asking God for what i should be asking Him for .. I am learning the best thing to gain is wisdom, which does make total sense .. after all what i want most in life is to be closer to Him, and be doing what He created for me to be doing in the first place!!

Mom would of really enjoyed seeing Dad's cousins today .. she ALWAYS enjoyed getting together with the family, so i am happy that i am at least going now, she would be proud of me for that. It would of been much easier to do with her here, but i was foolish .. so all I can do now is to enjoy the company of people who Mom ( and me too ) loves and who loves us. Very proud of my family, very proud to be apart of it, God sure does love me!!

I have been debating on putting in an application for a part time job, since the babysitting one did not seem to work in my favor .. however the doctor has  put me on some medication to hopefully help me get a little bun in my oven lol .. so am thinking focusing on that may be the most appropriate option for me at this time .. sure would be nice to be working again though, I would also love to get my GED to take some steps to get closer to be an LPN.. that all seems so far fetched for me but if it is meant to be and i put the work into it, nothing is impossible .. so i hear ;o)

Well I thought this was erased but it is still here so I will end it now a few days later because I already wrote another blog tonight :o) Take care all .. until next erased blog .. 

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