Monday, April 9, 2012

Social Anxiety the lies we believe

Social Anxiety

Today I felt the need to blog about social anxiety. It is something that most people do not understand .. they just can not "get it" and that makes complete sense because people with it,can not understand it either!!
Now in my own experience I find it to be all lies to keep me from getting to where I was created to be. It is a hold on my life that God wants me to surrender to Him. I have to trust Him, in order for me to get better!! 
I have been told time after time to take mind-altering medications that will help to equal out the "chemical imbalance" that is supposedly going on in my brain. That is simply not an option for me!! If a person with social anxiety can find a doctor who specializes in social anxiety they will learn that cognitive-behavioral therapy is a much more effective and safer way to go about getting this under control. Your mind can play many tricks on you, the Devil will stop at nothing to find your weakness and tell you lies so that you will not amount to what God intended for your life!! Yeah here goes Rose preaching again, but it is true!!  
*The physiological manifestations that accompany social anxiety may include intense fear, racing heart, turning red or blushing, excessive sweating, dry throat and mouth, trembling, swallowing with difficulty, and muscle twitches.*  That is no way for anyone to live ..   *A specific social anxiety would be the fear of speaking in front of groups, whereas generalized social phobia indicates that the person is anxious, nervous, and uncomfortable in almost all social situations.* *People with social anxiety disorder know that their anxiety is irrational and does not make "head" sense. Nevertheless, "knowing" something is never the same thing as "believing" and "feeling" something.* 
I have chosen a site that reflects how I feel about social anxiety and that is where I am getting those facts from: ... However I also know that if a person does nothing to correct it, that this issue can easily become worse and also become an excuse, it can let you "off the hook" in situations you simply do not want to face, or responsibilities you do not want to embrace. It was not until I had to be there for my precious Mother that I realized just how much I let that take away any of my ambition, desires, motivation and even security that were actually still very prevalent in my life. I believed the lies that were being told to me and actually started to embrace them because it allowed me to not feel responsible for the things in life I had CHOSEN not to do.
 I still struggle with social anxiety, but after having to be out of my comfort zone everyday I know that I am more then capable to be the person who I really want to be .. I am one who may benefit from cognitive therapy because of my blushing .. lol .. but I do know .. that if a person with social anxiety will only allow themselves to get better .. will FORCE themselves to get better .. by praying and spending time with God, reading the Bible, and getting good solid positive words in their heart and mind daily .. by taking even just small little steps by stepping out of their house, or making a phone call to some they trust .. simple little things like that to remind yourself of what you are missing, which is so much more then you may realize .. I realized it the hard way .. when it was too late, I can not make up the time I missed sitting with Mom at church, and listening to her silly remarks Christmas eve .. I missed out on VERY precious times I could of enjoyed with my beautiful Mother. 
I guess what my heart is trying to get out, is life is soooo short!! Social anxiety is NOT something that should rule your life, It is beatable if you truly want it to be .. when I was at my worst with it,no one could talk me out of it .. and I so wish I would of listened, I would do anything to have those days back so I could spend that time I will forever miss. 

~Until next blog ...~


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