Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Credit to Louie Giglio

Louie Giglio

I said in a previous blog that i would credit the videos in which i was referring too in those blogs, at a later date, so i thought tonight would be that time. My Dad and I happened to hear a guy mention the name Louie Giglio, well that name went in one ear and out the other for me, but not for Dad. When we got home that night Dad decided to look his name up .. and sure enough he found him and realized that he has a church in Georgia .. the same place Dad already had a ticket booked to go to. Well needless to say when Dad arrived there, he eagerly waited for Sunday so he could arrive at Passion City Church and enjoy one of his services. Louie's messages seemed to hit home for Dad .. The messages God spoke through him .. were very powerful. Anyways, Dad found out he had some videos that he could buy .. so he did, he picked them up. Well when he got home we sat down and watched them and I was just blown away .. he used his excitement and passion for astronomy to show God in such a wonderful way. The way he pieced things together just kept me wanting to hear more.
The first video we watched is called Indescribable: (part 1)

There are more then just that one, so if u like it .. keep looking for more because they truly are .. Indescribable!!

Also his actual church site is listed above if you are interested in listening to his Sunday services :o) 

I feel like i am promoting him, but it is not like that. His view on things are just different and as the guy said, whom we first heard of Louie from, his eyes just show his passion and his love for God, his eyes shine!! I want mine to shine like that!! 

I referred to the videos: Indescribable, How Great Is Our God, Hope, and Fruitcake and Ice cream.


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