Thursday, March 15, 2012

He even loves the screw ups

                                              He Even Loves the Screw Ups                                                        

This is another video inspired blog, and once again I will credit the video in a later blog. This video talked about a young lady, named Ashley, who was on the wrong track in life, she didn't believe in God, her Mother and brother did but her Father was an atheist. She once lived with her Mom but had decided to move in with her Father. Sometime after, she got her own apartment and needed a room mate .. so along comes this other girl .. I will call her Chirstine because i can't seem to remember her name, i know it began with a C. Christine was a christian girl and well Ashley just thought, oh here we go!!  But this girl was different. She did not look down on Ashley, she never once made her feel like she was less then her, there was just something different about her. Ashley was messed up with the wrong guy, they we arguing and he was unfaithful so Ashley was just feeling miserable. One day Christine invited Ashley to sit and watch a video with her .. she seemed to really enjoy it so Christine popped on another one that would forever change Ashley's life. 
Ashley cried .. she was moved by what she had just seen, but she could not understand how God could love her, she lived a life of simply just screwing up, she felt inadequate and unworthy of God's love for her!! Christine pretty much just told her that we are all unworthy of God's love, we are all screw ups, but He sent Jesus to die on the cross for us because none of us can do it on our own. Jesus died to carry our sins for us. Well Ashley decided to ask the Lord into her heart that day. She said the sinners prayer and turned her life over to Jesus!! 
Her family watched as Ashley's life began to change, they saw the joy fill her eyes again and saw her actions were backing up everything she felt in her heart. Ashley was a changed person .. but sadly a short while after, Ashley was in a bad car accident, and did not survive. The Lord took her home .. Ashley's story has been being told ever since then, she has changed so many lives. This blog does not tell the full impact of this young girls life but it goes to show you that her story is still being told even through me as i sit here in my housecoat about to start my morning. 
I use to think that I screwed up so bad that I was a lost cause. But thankfully I too know that thinking that was just all lies .. the Devil will say and do whatever he has to do to bring you down. If he got you one day at a time his mission is accomplished. Today you feel you can't go out because you have nothing nice to wear, you feel too ugly, you don't feel smart enough ... all of these things capture you one moment at a time. Your own thoughts can paralyze you into believing that you are just not worth it, but that is so not true. We are all God's creation .. so we are all worth it!! 
It is so easy to laugh at christians .. and go for it if you so please, but once you feel and experience what they are actually excited about, it is life changing. There is hope and joy and the weight of the world lifted off of your shoulders when you know you are not alone in carrying the burdens of your life and the world around you. It is not just a change of mind as if to say ok so now i believe in this, now what? No it truly changes who you are, there is such peace and happiness to be found that so many people just don't understand.

I did not mean for that to turn into preaching of any sort, I am just passionate about people who felt like me. People who are worth so much more then they are living for. I will post this video at a later date because I can not tell it like they did .. Ashley was just a normal person living a normal life, when her whole world changed, and forever changed her eternity. 
Until next blog ... 

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