Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Power of Prayer

               The Power of Prayer                        
Another day, another blog. These are sort of fun to do :o)
So what can I talk about today? How about the power of prayer. 
Sometimes I find I can pray and pray and pray and nothing ever seems to happen, but that got me thinking, because sometimes I can pray and see immediate results. What did i do right that time in order for my prayer to get answered and not do right the other times? 
At one point in Jamie's and my life we were living a ridiculous life style, our mission was not to please God, but to please ourselves .. at any means possible. Needless to say, we are far from proud of that. There was a point when even then God answered my prayer .. I was in desperate need of Him, but i far from deserved His help!! I sat and prayed and cried and screamed one night, I prayed no matter what it took to please get us out of the mess of a life we were living .. the next day our whole world changed. It changed in a way i would never have chosen, in a sane mind that is. We went from being around each other every moment to not being able to see each other at all and facing some very serious consequences. I was so mad, i just couldn't understand why .. no matter how hard i prayed, that God would not hear my scream for help. Life took crazy turns for us, and took us a long time to rid our lives of some unwanted crap .. it took a long time for me to see that during that WHOLE time i was far from alone!! 
The night i prayed honestly and faithfully, with all that I was, changed our lives forever. Not the way i thought my prayer would be answered, but the way God knew it had to be answered. He took matters into His own hands that day .. gave me a taste of my own medicine and showed me just where i was headed!!
I do not know with full conviction why some prayers are answered immediately and some seem to never be, or seem to take forever .. that day just showed me, that God hears me, he heard me all along .. He had a better plan for me right from the beginning but I chose to stray and do my own thing .. i chose by my own decisions in life to turn away and feel like i was alone in my misery. It was at that time when i sat alone in my room and cried and surrendered myself to God, put all my trust in Him, that me making the decisions on what should happen came to an end. 
It makes me realize that no matter how much we may feel our way is right and may seem so logical, that God, the creator of all the universe .. the God who knows every star by name, has everything under control if we will just let Him make the decisions for us. 
I know that no matter how we may feel things in life should turn out, that we are just not capable of seeing the bigger picture or in other words, we are not able to give the answer to one of the biggest questions .. why?   But God is, He knows the bigger picture, He knows when and where our prayers should be answered, He knows the answer to every "why" that was ever asked!! 
So i guess the solution is to pray and believe whether you are seeing the results you hope for or not, because you were special enough to be created in the first place, special enough for Jesus to die on the cross for, so you are obviously special enough for God to listen too and special enough for Him to make the decisions in your life as to when, where and .. why?!?!
There was actually more i wanted to say so maybe i will continue on my next blog, or maybe i wont, who knows with me!! 
Until next time .. 


  1. What a beautiful post! I've heard it said that God answers our prayers in three ways: 1. He says yes 2. He says no 3. He says "just wait"

    I sometimes think the times he says "just wait" are the hardest of all. Do you think maybe He wants to keep us on our knees? ;)

    1. i never thought of it like that .. but either way .. that is where i am staying!! :o)
