Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My Daddy XOxoXO

                      My Daddy XOxoXO             

There has been a few things I was wanting to write about, but the one I kept thinking about the most is this one. I wanted to write a blog about one of the best gifts God has ever blessed me with and that of course is my Daddy-oh.
Every time I look back as a little girl I remember my Dad working his butt off to give us what we needed or even just wanted. I remember one of the many times he took me out to buy a huge ugly coat i really wanted LoL .. he knew I would never wear it long, but he also knew how much i wanted it, so sure enough he bought it for me, a couple hundred dollars later, I was floating in my new winter coat.  Dad did his very best to buy us things that made us feel good .. and to have food in the house that would appeal to 6 different mouths .. oh the things he did for us was minute by minute, day by day and through every year of our lives.
Dad sacrificing things he wanted, to get us things we wanted is actually small in comparison to the love and strength he put into our family. Dad raised us up to love the Lord Jesus, he has gone to the same church for as long as I can remember .. I will always remember how proud I was to walk on stage after a service on Sunday or on Monday nights after our youth group to stand up by the greatest and coolest bass player who ever stepped foot on this earth!! I would tell every new person I met .. "that's MY dad!!" 
As I grew older and started to slip away Dad would never cease to tell me that he loves me and so does Jesus. He use to put little sticky notes on my door with a scripture and a sweet note on it so that I would get the scriptures into me one way or another .. I still have a bunch of those, to this day I love them!!
Needless to say to those who know him, Dad is a great husband. He showed me what I deserve for myself and nothing less, so in that, I too have a wonderful husband!!  Dad told Mom everyday how beautiful she is, and how much he loves her. Dad took care of her the very best he knew how. No one in this world is perfect, we all live and learn, and during the past few years of Dad's life he had to learn things in a very difficult way. He had to learn how to take care of very serious personal needs for my Mommy, he had to be her strength when he had the weight of the world on his own shoulders. He had to learn how to give her meds, watch her diet, and how to sneak in treats that Mom loved without me barking at him!! I sat and watched as Dad prayed with Mom, comforted Mom, hugged and kissed her, encouraged her, told her she was beautiful .. listened to her, cried with her, laughed with her .. the list is endless. That makes me cry so much because everyone has regrets, everyone wishes they could of done more, or could change things they did .. but the fact of the matter is, we were thrown under the bus, we were running around like chickens with our heads cut off, trying to do the best that we could, in a situation we knew nothing about .. and not once did Dad give up!!!!
I am SOOOOOOO proud of my Dad!! He never backed down, he did what had to be done with love in his eyes, and after Mom went to be with Jesus, he continued to be our strength. He encourages me and loves me and everyday is drawing closer to Jesus .. his faith through all of this has built up my own faith. I know no matter what is going on, no matter where he is, that i can call him, and he will take the time to sit with me, to cry with me, to talk with me .. to go for a drive just to get out of the house .. My Dad is the best Dad a girl could ever ask for. Words can not describe how proud I am to be my Father's daughter, every good thing in me is because of him and my beautiful Mother and the love for Jesus that shined through him every step of this horrible rough road. Thank you Dad for loving all of us, and taking care of all of us, for your devotion and strength and pure heart in everything you have done for our family. I love you with all that I am!!!!

I love you Daddy, you are more wonderful then you could ever know!!! XOxoXOxoXOxoXOxoXOxoXO

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