Thursday, March 1, 2012

My Mommy XOxoXO

              Sharon Elizabeth Adamski           

To be able to say everything i would like to say about Mom would take every bit of breath that I have left from now until eternity. So i figured i would just take it one step at a time .. one thought at a time. 
I will not, for the most part, speak of Mom as was because if I believe what i say i believe, then Mom is more alive then any one of us right now. So I will start off as my Mommy is the greatest Mother anyone could ever ask for!! Is she perfect? No, but she is perfect for us. Mom would worry about us from the time we left the house until the time she heard our phone call, or until we walked back through her door. She is the definition of protector, my goodness, if someone did something wrong to us, they would have to face the wrath of Momma. Even after we had long forgotten the incident, Mom didn't .. she was always there with a warning to make sure we didn't let our guard down so we would not become vulnerable to them again!! She was always home for us, she stayed day in and day out to make sure we had our meals for the day, had our bath and to make sure none of us rug burnt each other to the point of hospitalization!! I can not recall a time when i had to go to bed at night without seeing or hearing from Mom. She would have restless sleeps if she did not see or hear from us .. Mom, I can easily say, we are the ones tossing and turning every night now.
Mom is so funny in such an innocent and silly way. I could never prepare myself enough for what she might say .. but as i am saying that i can also recall how many times she didn't say anything at all. Dad would come in and tell Mom all about a show, or something he heard on the radio, next, one of the boys would come in and tell her the same story, then I too would go and repeat the same thing she already heard for herself  in the first place, and relived it 4 or 5 times after, and each and every time, she acted as if it was the first time she heard it. I often wondered why she did that, why not just say oh I heard that already .. but I now know it was because she knew we were so excited to tell her, everything that we learned .. or heard, we would always go back to Mom, filled with excitement to be able to share the news with her. So she sat there, and listened to each one us with her beautiful smile on her face and repeated the same lines she had already said to at least 3 other people. As small as that seems, that thought always makes me smile, she never put herself first no matter what the situation was.
I have never met anyone who could see such beauty in the smallest, simplest little things. You take Mom into the Dollar store and she was like a kid in a candy store, all the sparkles and ribbons and decorations .. all the things she could hang off of every door knob in the house, or a pretty decoration she could hang outside, or put in her window .. she was overjoyed with all the little trinkets she could fit into her basket. I remember when i was like 4 or 5 or something, i got necklace things, that went onto my My little pony's, well i just attached them, and formed them into a heart as best as i could because it just kept bending back into a deformed circle, and Mom looked at me like  it was the best gift anyone could ever receive .. i forgot all about that until not too long ago i looked into Mom's jewelery box, and there it was, the deformed little circle that she kept for 0ver 25 years .. that is my Mom, that is why life is so hard without her love and companionship. 
Every night Dad and I will look up into the sky in hopes to see even just one star, who knows .. maybe Mommy can see that same star .. so just in case, we will look at it just a little bit longer. I miss and love you Mommy, so very much, i miss your childish heart and compassionate touch in our lives, i can't wait to see you again, and NEVER be torn apart again. Love forever n a day, your Rosebud!! XOxoXO

              You are

               to me

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